Project Links


Our transdisciplinary network, in links

We invite you to learn more about the groups connected to this project.

Catalysts' Circle

Catalysts’ Circle connects community builders with ideas, knowledge, research, tools and each other, translates knowledge across sectors, and celebrates and elevates the work of community building as some of the most important work in our society.

East Scarborough Storefront

The Storefront’s mission is to facilitate collaboration, build community and support people to learn and create together, to live healthy lives, to find meaningful work, play and thrive.

Scarborough Environmental Association

SEA is hosting a Green Fair at the Storefront on April 20th where we’ll be listening to residents’ aspirations for the community.

Urban Climate Action Project

The Urban Climate Action Project brings the expertise and capacities of the University of Toronto to a university-city partnership to tackle challenges of implementing the City of Toronto’s climate action strategy, TransformTO.